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Dear Reader,
As the editor of this book I am delighted to present Sheikh Bahauddin’s latest book Sacred Legacy. With eloquence and determination, Sheikh Bahauddin Adil Eff endi, the second son and second heir of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim, draws the reader’s attention to some most delicate points. I’m convinced that this book will guide us towards the best destination. Without losing too many words, I’m now leaving you with this informative and instructive work.
Dear Reader,
As you all know, our beloved guide Mawlana Sheikh Nazim, who had shed Divine Light on humanity for many years, left this transitory world on 7th May 2014 and returned to the Divine Presence of Allah Almighty and the Prophet (sas). This book is dedicated to our beloved Mawlana Sheikh Nazim, who was the driving force of our life. May Allah Almighty grant us Mawlana Sheikh’s intercession on the Day of Judgement. Fatiha.
Ayberk Efendi
Bismi-Llahi r-Rahmani r-Raheem
The enchanting fragrance of freshly brewed Turkish coffee fills the air. Endless bliss emanates from the aromatic joy condensed in a tiny cup. Angels dance on its bubbly froth. Every sip: a step to God’s grace.
In the Name of the Lord Almighty, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Dear Reader
Welcome to an unprecedented series of delightful Café Talks conducted by Bahauddin Adil, the honourable son and representative of the great Sufi master Sheikh Nazim Al Qubrusi. As your humble café owner, I feel honoured to have been allowed to prepare this exquisite mixture for you. Every cup is filled with wisdom which may satisfy your hearts. Come, come to our Café of Happiness and take a sip of our felicity. There is room for whoever desires to enter the Café.
Ayberk Efendi
Café Talks
Dear Reader,
Sheikh Bahauddin is the son and second heir of the world-renowned Sufi master Sheikh Nazim. Only one year has passed since he published his first book. Now, in response to an overwhelming demand he has undertaken considerable effort to present yet another series of entertaining and inspiring coffee talks. While the first series has aroused great interest throughout the world, the second series will cause a sensation. Sheikh Bahauddin’s daring eloquence and his audacious humour grant new insights into life and render the new book engrossing.
O Ottoman youth!
Know that history is not a faded legacy from the past. Perhaps, history is the sign of a new beginning.
Also know that the work You hold in Your hands is neither a novel nor a fantasy epic without relation to reality. Something of the kind has neither been written nor been told.
Rather, it is a work which is completely based upon realities. It is the result of great efforts and intensive researches of scriptures which had been abandoned to their fates on the dusty shelves of the Ottoman archive in the Topkapi Palace.
Turkey which is still under the proprietorship of the Ottomans is constructed upon a firm foundation of a Seljuk and Ottoman past of 1000 years.
Why do historians not describe our glorious past with all its aspects, but write nothing but lies and criticism in a dry and soulless manner. Thus, they evoke contempt and hatred and create a gap between ancestors and descendants instead of making our glorious past to be loved. We leave the answer of this question to the lovers of the glorious Ottomans.
Dear Reader,
The book you are holding is an unprecedented achievement, combining the spiritual talks of three gigantic personalities. We thank our Lord Almighty eternally for this achievement. Mawlana Sheikh Nazim al-Haqqani was a saint and spiritual leader, the grandeur of whom may appear only once every thousand years. Therefore, we are honoured to present some of the talks Mawlana Sheikh delivered three months prior to his departure from this temporary world. One is struck by the overwhelming spirituality and secret depths of these blessed talks. May our Lord Almighty accept Mawlana Sheikh in the highest stations of His Divine Presence. Fātiha.
Dear Reader,
We took great delight in presenting you Under the Wings of the Sultan, which enjoys remarkable popularity throughout the world. Therefore, it is more than a pleasure to introduce its sequel. We give never-ending thanks to our Lord Almighty for this great achievement.
We dedicate this work to Mawlana Sheikh Nazim, Mawlana Sheikh Mehmed and Sheikh Bahauddin who have honoured us by joining us together on the Prophet’s way. May Allah Almighty never let us go astray from this straight path.
We hope that Under the Wings of the Sultan II, which is based on the precious lectures of three unique personalities, will let us reach the essence of spiritualityand grant us new insight into the secrets and wisdom of our creation. Without prolonging this any further, we will now leave you alone with three Sultans of Spirituality and their invaluable words.
Ayberk Effendi, editor
Ey Osmanlı Gençliği!
Bil ki, Tarih geçmişte kalan bir mazi
değildir. Kim bilir, belkide yeni bir başlangıcın
Ey Osmanlı Torunu!
Yine bil ki, bu elinde tuttuğun eser ne bir
romandır, nede bir fantazi ve hayalden oluşan kuru
bir hikayedir. Böyle bir eser bu güne kadar ne yazılmış
nede anlatılmıştır. Tamamen hakikatlere ve gerçeklere
dayanan Topkapı sarayı Osmanlı arşivlerinin tozlu
rafl arında büyük bir umursamazlık ve vefasızlık içerisinde
kaderine terk edilmiş olan kaynaklardan uzun
araştırmalar ve emekler sonucu meydana getirilmiştir.
Bugün tapusu halen Osmanlı üzerinde olan Selçuklu
imparatorluğu ile birlikte toplam 1.ooo yıllık sağlam
Osmanlı temeli üzerinde duran devletimizin pek azı
müstesna ünlü tarihçileri NEDEN ve NİÇİN? Şanlı
tarihimizi tüm batıni ve zahiri yönleri ile yazmayıp
sadece kupkuru ve ruhsuz bir şekilde kah karalama,
kah yalanlama ve eleştiri yolunu kullanarak şanlı
milletimize, ecdadımızı ve tarihimizi sevdirmek yerine,
kin ve nefret uyandırarak ecdad ile torunun arasında
uçurumlar meydana getirmiş olmalarının cevabını siz
şanlı Osmanlı severlere bırakıyoruz.
Tüm Hakikatleri ve Bilinmeyen Yönleri ile İstanbul, Ayasofya ve Fatih Sultan Mehmed Han
Bu paha biçilmez eseri ve bilgileri meydana getirip sunmakta himmet ve bereketlerini bizlerden esirgemeyen Evliyalar Sultanı Şeyh Muhammed Nazım el Kıbrısi el Hakkani Hazretlerine sonsuz saygı ve sevgilerle, bu eseri cümle
Osmanlı aşıklarına ithaf ediyoruz.
Ey Osmanlı Gençliği!
Bil ki, Tarih geçmişte kalan bir mazi değildir. Kim bilir, belkide yeni bir başlangıcın işaretidir.